Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Totaled & Towed

August 21, 2013
Insurance calculates that repairs surpass the value. Auction group in Sacramento came down to take away the VFR. 

My helmet is covered in the accessories insurance. That is something. 

Now onto PT to build up muscle and tissue in the left shoulder. Then decide if surgery is needed. 

Sunday, August 04, 2013

Is this the end of the road?

Third of August two thousand and thirteen year of our Lord. 

Met Chuck for breakfast at Alice's and then rode east to Livermore to ride up Mines Road. 

Nice day to ride, clear 70s. Mines had just been resurfaced and loose gravel was everywhere. Had a bad feeling. Then one turn about 10 miles out ran off to the soft shoulder and landed on my left shoulder. The rear of the VFR pinned my left leg. Chuck got to me and lifted the bike off.